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The Lost Continent of Madagascar


Although Madagascar is the fourth largest island on the planet, after Greenland, New Guinea, and Borneo, it is truly the lost continent. With picturesque white sand beaches that stretch for thousands of kilometres, virgin rainforest packed with some of the densest endemic wildlife on the planet, marine parks that challenge even the best the world has to offer, Madagascar is Mother Nature’s dream come true.

While most visitors come for its stunning wildlife and tantalizing geography, the 15 million occupants of the “Red Island” are sure to leave the most lasting impression. You’ll see singing lemurs, rice paddies snuggled against hillsides, deep canyons carved into peculiar shapes, mist-enshrouded rainforest, bustling markets and ruined palaces. This is a small slice of paradise for you to give yourself completely over to nature.

Start planning your adventure to magnificent Madagascar now – contact us.


A Nature Lover’s Dream Destination

Madagascar has no equal – it is a unique storehouse of natural and cultural riches. It is an incredible destination that make even the most experienced travellers question what it means to say a country is truly one of a kind. Separated from Africa and Asia 88 million years ago, animal life here has evolved in a startling variety of forms, creating a plethora of endemic species found nowhere else on earth. Humans are new additions to this huge island, first colonizing it less than 2000 years ago, when it was inhabited only by its wonderfully bizarre zoological cornucopia. As biologists discover more and more about this remarkable place, calling it the eighth continent barely does it justice: second planet seems more appropriate.

Let us customize your ideal Madagascar Tour for you. Here are some ideas of places to visit:

– Mantadia National Park, one of the two protected reserves in to Andasibe National Park (Perinet). You may be lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the endangered diademed sifaka, one of the world’s largest living lemurs – not to mention one of the most colourfully attractive of all the lemurs. We’ll also be on the lookout for the rare black and white ruffled lemurs, named for distinctly being coloured both black and white. In the evening we’ll have a chance at seeing nocturnal lemurs and chameleons with our night walk along the road that borders of the forest.

– Analamazaotra Reserve, also within the Andasibe National Park. The best way to visit the park and the Indris, is on foot in the early morning in order to hear their calling, a very eerie noise that can be heard up to 3 kilometres away. Indris are the largest living lemurs, and have extremely powerful long back legs with which they can propel themselves 10 metres into the air.

– Isalo National Park, with various hiking trail. Plenty of chances to take gorgeous photos, and visit the enchanting Nymph Waterfalls, Maki Canyon and spectacular Portuguese grot. Keep your eyes out for the seven different species of lemurs, and the 80 bird species that call Isalo home.

– Ankarana Reserve has the highest density of primates found anywhere on earth, with large populations of the Crowned Lemur, Sanford’s Brown Lemur, Northern Sportive Lemur, Dwarf Lemurs, the curious-looking Aye Aye, and many more. A variety of chameleons and leaf-tailed Uroplatus geckos can also be found in the reserve.

Amber Mountain National Park where we are guided through sun-dappled dry forests returning the stares of lemurs laughing at us from high above the treetops. It is a prominent volcanic massif and one of northern Madagascar’s most visited natural attractions due to its phenomenal wildlife.

– Small villages of Ifaty and Mangily, located on the same white sand beach of Ifaty, 3 kms apart. Here we will spend a few days in utter relaxation: snorkelling the reef, watching the whales go by, and lazing on the beach, soaking it all in.

There are MANY more spectacular places to visit on this unique island. Let us help you put together your Madagascar adventure.


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