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Discover a new species of moth - Peruvian Amazon


    A Rewarding Trip to Peru’s Amazon If you are anything like us Wordly Girlies, you are likely interested in wildlife, conservation and cool, remote locations! One of the things we also always seek out when travelling is how we can support or give back to the communities or places we visit. During a recent trip to the Peruvian Amazon, both me (newbie Jenn here, hello!) and Keri experienced a taste of what it’s like to be a citizen scientist with Rainforest Expeditions.  Located in the remote rainforest along the Tambopata River, ecolodges Posadas Amazonas, Refugio Amazonas and the Tambopata Research Centre offer guests the ability to learn about and take part in wildlife conservation efforts through Wired Amazon projects designed and implemented by Rainforest Expeditions.  Here are 6 super cool projects where anyone can take part! So, we did this exercise in the pouring rain but, hey, that’s the rainforest for you! One of the coolest things about setting up traps is that once home, besides being able to see the footage, volunteers can virtually assist with the tracking and identification program of jaguars and other species via the Amazon Cam Tambopata. Using over 100 camera traps, one can help note jaguar spot patterns from the comfort of home! Spot patterns are unique, much like fingerprints and through this project on Zooniverse, volunteers can choose from a list of identifiers to help them recognize different animals. The more inputs, the better. 4. Become an expert in Harpy Eagle behaviour! If… Read More »BECOME A CITIZEN SCIENTIST IN THE PERUVIAN AMAZON

    Adventure Travel Conservation Fund


      Finisterra Travel Forwards Global Conservation Efforts By Joining Adventure Travel Conservation Fund (ATCF). ATCF members provide direct funding to support natural and cultural projectsin worldwide destinations July 10, 2024— Finisterra Travel is proud to announce their membership in the Adventure TravelConservation Fund (ATCF), an international nonprofit focused on funding on-the-ground conservationprojects around the world. The ATCF provides members in the travel and outdoor industry an avenue todirectly support projects that are critical to protecting the future of adventure travel. “Adventure and outdoor organizations have an opportunity to come together as members of the ATCF toprotect international travel destinations where we all love to explore, learn and play,” says Soraya Shattuck,ATCF Executive Director. “Without the conservation of these unique environments, cultures andcommunities, we risk losing the very experiences that we seek when we travel.” The adventure tourism industry is highly dependent on conserving the world’s natural and culturalresources, which is why Finisterra Travel and ATCF members from across the globe are uniting to protectthreatened communities, cultures and wild places for current and future generations. Once a year, theATCF awards grants to organizations seeking conservation funding. Grant recipients are nominated andvoted on by members of ATCF, whose membership dues fund the chosen conservation projects.“The adventure travel community has the power, the resources, and the responsibility to make anincredible impact on the world,” said outdoor industry pioneer Steve Barker, Founder of Eagle Creek andATCF Board Chair. “Through ATCF, companies around the globe unite their influence and passion to supportorganizations that protect, preserve and… Read More »FINISTERRA JOINS THE ADVENTURE TRAVEL CONSERVATION FUND

      Brazil - covid travel


        As the world opens up again, travel looks a lot different than it did before Covid. Gone are the days you can throw things in a bag and run to the airport a couple of hours before your flight. With the ever-changing landscape of travel these days, we’ve put together a few Covid Travel Tips to get you prepared for your next international trip, whenever you are ready to go!

        Keri & Nicola - The Worldly Girlies


          Who are we? We are Keri & Nicola and we LOVE to travel. To say that we are travel enthusiasts would be a gross understatement, we are travel addicts often planning our own travels a least two adventures in advance. Needless to say our day job (co-owners of Finisterra Travel) helps us to fuel our obsession. Not a day goes by where we don’t squeal with excitement over the possibility of exploring a new destination. Our mutual travel obsession, an insatiable curiosity about the world, and passion for sustainable travel are what really bonds us. What are we about? We do our best to tread lightly in the destinations we visit whether we are travelling alone or with a group. Our philosophy is to travel responsibly for the long-term benefit of the local people, the travellers, and for the environment. During our world travels, we’ve experienced the many sides of tourism from the good to the bad to the truly heartbreaking. We are aware that there are many troubling issues around the globe, but one of the most obvious is the disturbing plethora of plastics discarded everywhere. Literally everywhere. From the stunning coastlines of Bali where we snorkelled beside fish gobbling down plastics to charming villages, we hiked through in the Andes where plastic bottles cascade down into the rivers below. It is heartbreaking to witness and heartbreaking to know that those plastics will still be on our planet for hundreds of years to come. Did you know that 50% of… Read More »WORLDLY GIRLIES TRAVEL ESSENTIALS


            Late July 2020, during a pandemic, Nicola decides to travel overseas…all in the name of love. She travels from Vancouver, Canada, to the Canary Islands, Spain and tells us about her experience flying internationally during COVID 19. These are her travel tips on how to keep safe while flying during a pandemic.


              I bobbed in the ocean, sitting on my board, breathing heavy from the paddle out past the break. I already felt like giving up, but my eyes were zeroed in on the horizon, squinting away the sunrise. My brain was on overdrive. This one? …
              Travel Blog Entry & Photos by Sherry Ott

              TOP 5 PERUVIAN DISHES

                My first backpacking trip to Peru was when I was 20 years old and an idealistic vegetarian on a $20 per day budget. That’s $20 per day for everything – transportation, hostel, sightseeing entrances, and food. Being a vegetarian anywhere is South America is a challenge but particularly when you are on a super tight budget. This all being said, my first introduction to Peruvian cuisine was very lack-luster and involved mostly potatoes (of which there are some 4000 varieties), avocados, quinoa (ancient protein-rich super grain), corn, and runny eggs. Needless to say I did not return home after my first foray to South America and rave about Peruvian cuisine (though I did rave about almost everything else). Oh how times have changed. I am no longer a vegetarian. I do not travel on a $20 per day budget. I have been to Peru at least a dozen times. I love Peruvian cuisine. Over the past decade and a half my love affair with Peruvian cuisine has become very potent but apparently, I am not the only one. Peruvian cuisine has recently received an immense amount of attention in the culinary world and is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. Modern day Peruvian cuisine is a melting pot indigenous dishes combined with nearly 500 years of Spanish and more recently African, Japanese, Chinese, and Italian influence. Peruvian cuisine is varied in colour and texture, extremely fresh, and mildly spicy. From the seafood-rich Pacific, to the fertile Andes where potatoes, corn and tomatoes… Read More »TOP 5 PERUVIAN DISHES

                Keri Packing Tips - Worldly Girlies - Finisterra Travel

                PACKING TIPS BY KERI

                  Packing. Ugh. Just the thought of it stresses me out which seems odd as I do it so often. I travel about 20ish weeks of the year, essentially living out of a bag for a great part of the year. I can’t say that I have a fool-proof packing agenda, but I have definitely learned a few things along the way. KERI‘S PACKING TIPS FOR ALL TRIPS:If you can carry-on, by all means, do it. It saves you so many potential headaches. I’ve had my checked bag go on many adventures without me ( However, if you must check your bag, I cannot stress the importance of packing your carry-on bag with all your essentials. Besides medications, extra contacts/glasses, chargers, etc, I always recommend carrying a change of clothing which is appropriate for the destination (ie/ if you are going on a hiking trip, make sure you are carrying a hiking outfit as well as appropriate shoes, hat, etc) just incase you are without your bag for a few days. KERI NEVER LEAVES HOME WITHOUT…A headlamp, phone portable battery pack, sunglasses, extra contacts/glasses, tiny speaker, downloaded maps on my phone, little black dress, Birks, Steripen for water purification, thermal water bottle, shampoo bars, scarf, little back-pack, waterproof shell, a purse with a cross-body strap… 1. PACKING TIPS FOR VARIED CLIMATES:We always get asked, “How are we supposed to pack for this kind of trip?” For example, our most popular destination, hands-down, is Peru, and for good reason. Peru is a… Read More »PACKING TIPS BY KERI


                    Nicola and I had the incredible opportunity to visit the Kingdom of Bhutan, a tiny Buddhist country tucked in the heart of the Himalayas, in July of 2017 as guests of a very gracious local host. He created a custom Bhutan adventure just for the two of us. Although both Nicola and I have visited many countries in Asia, Bhutan stood out as truly unique. For starters, it is the only officially buddhist country in the world, there are no traffic lights, its architecture is traditional and cohesive, temples and Dzongs (fortresses) adorn even the most remote regions of the country, it boasts dramatic landscapes, and the people are incredibly friendly. It is also a land where wealth is measured not by traditional economic measures, but rather by a happiness index. How awesome is that? With its stunning scenery, welcoming people and fascinating culture, a visit to Bhutan is guaranteed to increase your Gross Personal Happiness. Bhutan is a fabulous country for hiking ranging from day hikes to multi-day treks. While we were there, we hiked almost everyday, although none of our hikes were terribly difficult. One of the most extraordinary things was that we encountered virtually no other travellers on our hikes, even along some of the more popular trails. We did encounter monks, farmers, students, and so many mellow dogs. Pristine mountain lakes, rice terraces, precariously perched temples, imposing glaciers, and some of the world’s most endangered species await the visitor in the mountainous amphitheatre of the Himalayas.… Read More »BHUTAN TRAVEL INCREASES YOUR HAPPINESS


                      Want to Trek to See Gorillas? Of course, you do. Contact us for a once-in-a-lifetime experience of trekking to see the majestic Mountain Gorillas in Uganda or Rwanda. Nicola‘s advice when Gorilla Trekking? “Try not to get sat on by a 550lb Silverback!” It had been an hour and a half of trekking through the jungle of Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda. It was a beautiful jungle, thick with bamboo shoots and a tall canopy above us, nestled beside the stunning backdrop of several volcanoes. The terrain was getting rougher, the incline getting steeper, and the trail getting muddier from the recent downpour. Our guide was using his machete to hack through the thicker parts of the bush, when suddenly he stopped us. As we approached the clearing, we could see the gorilla trackers who had gone out hours before us to find them. “This is where we will get ready to see the gorillas, they are close. Take out your cameras and leave everything else here. As we started getting organized, someone from the group whispered “I can see them!” and so it began. We quickly dropped our things and made a mad dash toward the gorillas. “Follow me” said the guide, and off we went. Mountain Gorillas are one of the most endangered species in the world. There are only around 850 of them left, and they’re all found deep in the jungle spreading throughout parts of Uganda, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. These fascinating species… Read More »TRACKING THE MOUNTAIN GORILLAS