by Jenn Smith Nelson Finisterra Travel Forwards Global Conservation Efforts By Joining the Adventure Travel Conservation Fund (ATCF). ATCF members provide direct funding to support natural and cultural projectsin worldwide destinations July 10, 2024— Finisterra Travel is proud to announce their membership in the Adventure TravelConservation Fund (ATCF), an international nonprofit focused on funding on-the-ground conservationprojects around the world. The ATCF provides members in the travel and outdoor industry an avenue todirectly support projects that are critical to protecting the future of adventure travel. “Adventure and outdoor organizations have an opportunity to come together as members of the ATCF toprotect international travel destinations where we all love to explore, learn and play,” says Soraya Shattuck,ATCF Executive Director. “Without the conservation of these unique environments, cultures andcommunities, we risk losing the very experiences that we seek when we travel.” The adventure tourism industry is highly dependent on conserving the world’s natural and culturalresources, which is why Finisterra Travel and ATCF members from across the globe are uniting to protectthreatened communities, cultures and wild places for current and future generations. Once a year, theATCF awards grants to organizations seeking conservation funding. Grant recipients are nominated andvoted on by members of ATCF, whose membership dues fund the chosen conservation projects.“The adventure travel community has the power, the resources, and the responsibility to make anincredible impact on the world,” said outdoor industry pioneer Steve Barker, Founder of Eagle Creek andATCF Board Chair. “Through ATCF, companies around the globe unite their influence and passion to… Read More »FINISTERRA JOINS THE ADVENTURE TRAVEL CONSERVATION FUND